13 januari 2008

Luigi och maskinerna

Under arbetet med min uppsats har Luigi Russolo blivit en ny bekantskap.

"Six Families of Noises for the Futurist Orchestra

Russolo sees the futurist orchestra drawing it's sounds from "six families of noise":

  1. Roars, Thunderings, Explosions, Hissing roars, Bangs, Booms
  2. Whistling, Hissing, Puffing
  3. Whispers, Murmurs, Mumbling, Muttering, Gurgling
  4. Screeching, Creaking, Rustling, Humming, Crackling, Rubbing
  5. Noises obtained by beating on metals, woods, skins, stones, pottery, etc.
  6. Voices of animals and people, Shouts, Screams, Shrieks, Wails, Hoots, Howls, Death rattles, Sobs" (från artikel på Wikipedia, se länk nedan)
En artikel om manifestet The Art of Noises.

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